End piece copper colored 39mm 1 piece spacer metal bead ornaments

Type: Metal beads
In stock

A long copper colored end piece with black patina and ornaments, 39mm long.

The finial is slightly thicker at the bottom with engraved whorls and narrows at the top and has horizontal lines running around the finial. The length is 39mm; the thickness at the thick end is 13mm and at the narrow end is 7mm. To pull jewelry or leather cord through, the inside diameter is 10mm at the thick end and 4.3mm at the narrow end.

The end piece is made in the EU.


Dimensions:39mm x 13mm x 7mm
Weight:approx. 12 grams
Quantity:1 piece
Colour:Copper with black patina
Shape:tube narrowly converging
Number of cord holes:1
Hole Size:10mm, 4.3mm


copper-plated metal